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Monday, May 30, 2005

Overworked and Undervalued

Progress: Finished 1-1/2 crits last night


I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday. It's been a typical Georgia holiday, meaning rainy and blah. We didn't do anything special...my husband wanted to retrieve something he'd left at the studio, so we drove down and ended up staying for hours. That's okay--I ended up winning an online Bingo game while playing a rousing round of Hide-n-Seek with the kids, so I'll chalk it up as a good day.

Finally got one of those crits finished that I owed, and sent it on to that CP. The same person had also asked for some brainstorming help, so I sent along a couple ideas off the top of my head. She hasn't responded with an Are you kidding? This is crap! e-mail yet, but then again, it's Memorial Day. I'm kidding. I know she won't respond that way. She's too nice. She might think it, but she'd never come out and say it. *g*

Another of my CPs received a rejection letter today, so she's online shopping to help heal the wound. I'll be meeting up with her Friday night to help smother that new battle scar with alcohol. If you get a chance, pop by and give Sheri a hug. She can use it.

I received an e-mail from my Romance Divas Bootcamp mentor this evening that really made me feel good. She called me a very talented writer, and said she thought I undervalued myself when I rated my work for the program. Talk about an ego boost! I'm now publicly thanking Diva Lisa for her wonderful comments. She may not realize it, but her words gave me a much needed kick in the butt.

So now I'm home and the kids are upstairs, which means I have time to work. I'm going to work on another crit and hopefully finish it by tomorrow (it's three chapters), then revisit that old grindstone on BMO.

Here's to making good progress!


  • Happy to hear you had a great Memorial Weekend. Mine wasn't all that bad. I spent it researching mortgages, but at least I could relax and enjoy of some quiet time. *g*

    By Blogger Silma, at 9:23 PM  

  • Agh! I posted before I finished writing the message. Anyway, I'm happy also to hear about your mentor's words of appraisal. WOOOHOOO! *g* But you already knew you were a good writer.

    By Blogger Silma, at 9:27 PM  

  • Silma--Relaxing and quiet time is important, isn't it? If we couldn't enjoy it, we'd all be waaaaay too tightly wound.

    Thanks for the WOO HOO, Silma. Sometimes we all need to be reminded about our abilities, and I'm no exception.

    By Blogger Lynn, at 3:58 AM  

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Location: Atlanta-ish, Georgia, United States

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