To my blog friends whose blogs I normally visit regularly, I offer my most heartfelt apologies. I haven't found time lately to do any blog-hopping. What with all these workshops I've been taking, the two WIPs I'm trying to write simultaneously, and the critiques I've been doing for my CPs, not to mention all the shtuff I have to do around the house -- there just aren't enough hours in the day.
My fingers are crossed that my time constraints will ease up soon.
My fingers are crossed that my time constraints will ease up soon.
Lynn? Lynn who?
Of course I'm kidding. I remember the days when you visited. How could I forget. Sunny, fun filled times, full of laughter and promise. Ah, the innocense of youth....
Now, how I long for times past. When life was lived. Acually lived. Every moment and every breath meant something and tomorrow never entered our minds....
Of course my mind is a bit twisted this morning so I'm not surprised that you don't visit. Sheesh!
Come on back when you get the chance. We'll be here.
(BTW, how do you like my lame attempt at dramatic writing?)
Yankeebob, at 9:43 AM
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